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Ways to Remember

We know that you’ll never forget them, and that it’s important to keep their memory alive as you go through your experience of grief. We’ve been helping families for over 100 years through the loss of their loved ones, and we’re always looking for ways we can help after the funeral.

We’ve lots of traditional ways to remember them; our masonry team can make any headstone or plaque to give you a special place to visit, we’ve got ashes urns in lots of designs to keep them close to you or inter them somewhere that mattered to them, and we’ve partners who make ashes into glass keepsakes or pieces of jewellery. Our team can chat with you and will help you find an option that feels right.

You can find our memorial brochure here, just give your local funeral home a call, or pop in to talk through what’s right for you.

As funerals change, the ways we remember can change too. For those who want to leave a positive mark on the environment, we can plant a tree in their name, and you can even visit it, if you like. We’ve also found a partner who will name a star after the person who’s died

We’ve made a list of other unique ways to remember someone:

However you choose to remember them, we’re here to help, whenever you need us.