Board Of Directors

Meet your Board

Your Society is governed by a Board of Directors elected by and from our members. The Board’s role is to work closely with the Executive Team in monitoring the performance of the Society, in order to deliver the strategy.

This involves holding the Chief Executive to account for the day-to-day performance and management of the Society, whilst also supporting the Executive Team to achieve the Society’s strategic objectives and priorities whilst ensuring that the Society’s affairs are conducted in accordance with its Rules, the best interests of the Society and its Members whilst also in accordance with the Co-operative Values and Principles found here: Cooperative identity, values & principles | ICA)

The Board is made up of 13 directors, including one Independent Non-Executive Director and three Employee Directors.

Elaine Dean

Image of Elaine Dean

Elaine Dean

Committees served:

  • Membership & Community Strategy
  • Remuneration
  • Rules & Practices
  • Search

Maria Lee

Vice President
Image of Maria Lee

Maria Lee


Committees served:

  • Membership & Community
  • Strategy
  • Rules & Practices
  • Search

Marc Bicknell

Independent non-Executive Director
Image of Marc Bicknell

Marc Bicknell

Independent non-Executive Director

Committees served:

  • Audit & Risk
  • Conduct

  • Bob Burlton

    Image of Bob Burlton

    Bob Burlton


    Committees served:

  • Audit & Risk
  • Remuneration

  • John Howells

    Image of John Howells

    John Howells


    Committees served:

    • Audit & Risk
    • Remuneration

    Danny Douglas

    Image of Danny Douglas

    Danny Douglas


    Committees served:

    • Conduct
    • Membership & Community
    • Strategy
    • Remuneration

    Becci Britland

    Employee Director
    Image of Becci Britland

    Becci Britland

    Employee Director

    Committees served:

    • Conduct
    • Membership & Community
    • Strategy
    • Rules & Practices

    Bradley Tuckfield

    Employee Director
    Image of Bradley Tuckfield

    Bradley Tuckfield


    Committees served:

    • Conduct
    • Membership & Community Strategy
    • Search

    Maryann Denfhy

    Image of Maryann Denfhy

    Maryann Denfhy


    Committees served:

    • Membership & Community Strategy
    • Rules & Practices
    • Search

    Suzanne Bennett

    Image of Suzanne Bennett

    Suzanne Bennett


    Committees served:

  • Conduct

  • Valerie Watson

    Image of Valerie Watson

    Valerie Watson


    Committees served:

  • Conduct

  • Sue Rushton

    Image of Sue Rushton

    Sue Rushton


    Committees served:

  • Audit & Risk

  • Amanda Gallie

    Employee Director
    Image of Amanda Gallie

    Amanda Gallie

    Employee Director

    Committees served:

  • Conduct